Leading manufacturers of Aluminium Windows & Doors.
From March to October, patio doors are an invaluable aspect of any home. Allowing you to access your garden, patio or balcony with total convenience, you’ll enjoy fresh air, increased natural light and immediate contact with your outdoor spaces with the addition of this aesthetically pleasing style of product.
Here at Your Price Express , we professionally install this valuable property addition in both UPVC and aluminium, depending on your requirements, and we’ll be glad to advise you on the benefits of each material.
Aside from the obvious benefits of patio doors – e.g. access to the great outdoors – they’ll offer your home so much more. They’re double glazed, keeping your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and they’re sealed, keeping your building free from draughts, which compromise thermal comfort.
Not only that, but they’re also safe and secure and you will benefit from ‘Secured By Design’, designed with locking components that match SBD requirements. Due to the fact patio doors are installed against exterior walls, high security standards are imperative in keeping out would-be intruders and guaranteeing your peace of mind. Your Price Express ’s patio doors are sure to fit the bill, with their multipoint locking and robust UPVC and aluminium.
We value each and every patio door project, no matter how big or small, and we’re committed to delivering the best installation experience and project results. And, as we’re so confident about the reliability of the patio doors we install here at Your Price Express , we offer all our customers a five-year guarantee. So in the unlikely event that anything goes wrong with your system, you’ll be fully covered. Our team will liaise with you to establish your precise expectations, offer advice on your options, demonstrate the highest attention to detail and deliver exceptional results. So to learn more about the way we work…
We’d be delighted to discuss the various benefits of patio doors at further length with you. Just give us a ring on 020 3874 5166 or contact us here and we’ll be glad to tell you more.